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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Canada Day!!

Keep your dial locked in to Magic 94.9 for all your Canada Day info!

Monday, June 29, 2009

School's Out for Summer :)

Had a blast at the Greenwood Mall today for a big Rock Band contest, which turned out to be no contest. The Misfits got whooped! After we filled the kids up with Old Dutch Chips and Jones Soda, we were no match for the little Rock Band geniuses. Although, Cruiser Dude Andrew Foote could belt out a tune like no man.

Play the video, turn it up really loud and hide your crystal and other breakables. I believe Foote breaks the sound barrier.

Friday, June 26, 2009


What a shock to come home last night to the news that Michael Jackson had suffered cardiac arrest, and had been reported dead by, at the time, TMZ. As TMZ isn't always the most reliable source, I waitied for the confirmation from CNN, although watching the airial view of the UCLA Medical Centre where Jackson was, seeing all of the L.A.P.D. cars blocking off the roadways and entrances told the story. It was evident that he was probably gone. At 6:26 pm (Atlantic Time) he was. And fans, friends and family members have been flodding Twitter and other networking sites ever since. It's amazing to comprehend the success the "King of Pop" achieved, selling 750 million albums worldwide. Whether you loved him or disliked him, there's no doubt he affected us all in one way or another. With all of his legal woes, and negative press and now his you think the world has had enough of Michael Jackson? He is now currently the hottest artist on the top 15 sellers of the day, so apparently not. In fact, I'm sure starting today, he will be bigger than he ever was.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jean Beliveau

Mention his name, and so many things come to mind. His size...his skills...and his class...he was a perfect hockey player...and after meeting him today, no question that he is an even better person.

Beliveau was the centrepiece of the Montreal Canadiens dynasty that won ten Stanley Cups during his reighn, and five as captain of the team. No other man has captained more.
Most experts can't argue that Beliveau is one of the top ten players in hockey history, and one of the top three centres in NHL history, along with number 99 and number 66.
Jerry Neville was quite excited to see Mr. Beliveau, and decorated the studio before his arrival.
He is the special guest at tonight's Acadia Axemen celebrity dinner in Wolfville, and if you are planning to attend, you are in for a great evening. Mr. Beliveau is a class act.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

More Than Meets the Eye...

If my alarm didn't go off at 4:15 every morning, I would have trekked to Bayer's Lake last night to see the midnight showing of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen in IMAX! But, because it does...I didn't. But...tonight IS the night. I love ridiculous action sequences surrounded by bad acting, so I'll give you my review of the much-anticipated popcorn flick right here tomorrow.

The Magic 94.9 Winsticker Patrol is back on the road today...we'll be at Tim Horton's In Coldbrook through the lunch hour, so be sure to stop by and get your all-new Magic 94.9 Winsticker today for a chance to win great prizes all year long...and rumour has it Joelene will have tickets to SuperShow Friday night at Alderney Landing in Dartmouth, featuring Divine Brown and Sarah Slean!

See you in the Timmy's line!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What to do today...

I know!!! Take pictures of unsuspecting Misfits!!!
Notice to the right if you will...One Len Hawley before the make-up chair at 5:00a.m....

Also appearing....MNN's Brian Mumford, Audio Gold producer Jenn Pick, Cruiser Commando Andrew Foote, Music Mermaid Amanda Misner, Ms. Tim Horton's Cruiser Joelene Johnson, and Creative Creature Gary Caven.

Disclaimer: all other Misfits photographed threatened legal action if posted.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Century of Furniture sales and Camping out...

It was a great to have Mr. Terry Leon, President and CEO of Leon’s Furniture Ltd on the Early Show Friday! Leon's was celebrating their 100th anniversary, and celebrate they did! I hope you had a chance to retrieve one of the many bright yellow environmentally-friendly balloons they released beside their Kentville location...they were filled with coupons ranging from $100 to plasma TV's! Leon's most-importantly made a significant donation to Chrysalis House and the Valley Regional Hospital, as part of a nation-wide initiative to give back to communities all across Canada.

Friday night, was also my first experience of Camp Brigadoon's Camp Out for Kids...and it was a night I'll never forget! With live music provided by Blueberry Grunt, delicious pulled pork provided by Meadowbrook Farm, and entertainment provided by all the teams involved and my fellow was an absolute blast! And the best part, we raised a combined $40,000 for Camp Brigadoon, which is set to begin construction soon!
Also, congrats to everyone who took part in the 1st annual Relay for Life in Windsor! The teams there raised $10,500 towards cancer research!
Well I must get set to sit in front of my television for the rest of the day, and see if Phil Mickelson can make a come-back of a lifetime and win the rain-delayed U.S. Open at Bethpage Black. I hope he wins, and that Ontario's Mike Weir got a new putter, and threw his old one in a pond somewhere. I could have made some of his missed opportunities yesterday.

...until tomorrow...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Leon's 100th, KC's and the sunshine band...

It was great to have Terry Leon on the Early Show today! Terry is the President and C.E.O. of Leons Furniture, and he is in Kentville today for Leon's 100th birthday celebrations and to make a special presentation to the Valley Regional Hospital and Chrysalis House. You are invited to the party today at noon at Leon's in Kentville, where they will have a big birthday cake, and a BALLOON BLAST OFF! A fun give-away of gifts valued at more than $10,000! You could win a $100 gift certificate or a 40” Samsung LCD TV!

It was another great Magic 94.9 Winsticker Patrol yesterday at the all-new KC's Pub in Coldbrook! I, along with fellow Misfits Len Hawley, Amber Daley, Joelene Johnson and MNN's Brian Mumford were on site, handing out Magic 94.9 Winstickers and awarding motorists already with Winstickers with great prizes! It was so great, that we'll be there for the rest of the week during KC's open hours of 11-3! Thanks to owners Kevin and Patti for having us, and all the staff...who just happen to look great in their new Magic 94.9 "staff" t-shirts!

Today, it's off to see our friend John at the Capital Lounge in Middelton! I hear his new patio is amazing, and his special BBQ Ribs are even better! I'll be there for lunch today, and be sure to share my experience with you on the blog tomorrow. Until then...go get your Magic 94.9 Winsticker at KC's! Go! ...Go now!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Feeling Pubbish?

Conrats to Kevin and Patti Cogswell, who opened the doors to their new KC's Pub in Coldbrook yesterday!
I had a chance to go there for their first lunch, and it was great! (Went with the roast beef sandwich and chowder lunch was stellar).
They're open for lunch right now, from 11:00am-3:00pm...with a really nice patio and a sunny week to boot, I highly recommend stopping in for lunch. They're right across the street from Valley Volkswagen, in the former Pizza Delight location.
So it looks like Hamilton having an NHL team remains a pipe dream. A judge ruled against Blackberry (Research in Motion) mogul Jim Balsillie's bid to move the Phoenix Coyotes to southern Ontario. Looks like ol' RIM Jim, will have to put his dream on hold again. Why when a city doesn't support their franchise as it is, is Gary Bettman and the NHL adamant about keeping the Coyotes in Phoenix?? Boggles my mind.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Michelin Ball Tournament

The Misfits blew the dust off of their old ball gear, shined up the aluminum bats and took to the diamond for a Saturday of perfect ball...0-3! it was the First Annual Michelin Sports and Social Club's Ball Tournament in support of the Children's Wish Foundation, where we raised a total of $3000.00! A great time was had by all, no injuries, and only one Misfit was all in all it was a great success. (it turned out it was just nervous butterflies, although she is still recovering...get well soon Amber!)