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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tales from H.M.C.S. Fredericton

Husband of Magic 94.9 Sales Misfit Lisa Pudsey, and former Misfit himself, (and forever honourary :) Chris Pudsey is on board the H.M.C.S. Fredericton on an anti-piracy mission in the Middle East.
Pud will be contributing a few passages throughout his trip to the Blog, and passes along his first report...

Sup Honky Tonk! Heres my little update so far as we proceed to deal with the dreaded pirates.
Our first port visit was Barcelona, Spain. Here we saw someinteresting things like the church known as Sangrala Famalia. It wasoriginally built in the early 1800's and is still being built to this day. They expect it to take another 30-80 years to complete. If you are working on that church, you have some serious job security.

We also got to see the Olympic Stadium where the '92 Olympic games wereheld. While Barcelona is a beautiful city, there were some serious issues with pick-pocketting going on. Numerous members of the ship's company were robbed. Funny thing is, they are nice enough to give you your wallet back, they just wanted the cash. They would find interesting ways to return the wallet to you too. They would come up to you and ask you if you dropped it for example. Of course the cash was gone but at least you had your ID.

Our next visit was to an island called Malta. This was a beautiful island and one I recommend to anyone for a vacation destination. Here I got to see an old temple site called Hagar Qim. Its an old stone temple that is bigger than Stonehenge and older than the pyramids in Egypt! Very cool. Our next stop was Haifa, Israel. The only thing that was really interesting in Haifa was The Bahai Gardens. It is known as the 8th wonder of the world and I can see why. Very beautiful. We also took a tour bus and went to Jerusalem. Outstanding visit to the old city. I am not a religious person per say, but still very cool to say you were standing at the same place that Jesus was cruicified and buried, and to touch the rocks where he was anointed and the place where he spent his last evening alive praying. We also got to see the Jordanian desert and the Dead Sea.
The pics i am sending has me sitting in front of the Jordanian Desert and one of the Bahai Gardens.

Well thats all for now, until next time, take care!


Eastern Lady said...

As the mom to one of your shipmates,and wife of a former PO1 to the Freddy, I thank you for your pics and commentary. Well Done!

I look forward to following the travels of Ever Ready Freddy, as she cruises warmer waters and Hails the world with her hearty ARRRRRGH MATEY! Wait, Wrong ship! Sorry about that!

Enjoy your sail and Come home Safe All!!

Unknown said...

The other pic that was put up by Hunter was a pic of me touching the stone in Jerusalem where Jesus last kneeled and prayed, the night before he was cruicified. Its considered holy ground, very similar to the stone he was anointed on. I got to touch that one too but I dont have any pics of me touching it. Thanks for sharing Hunter!