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Friday, November 13, 2009

It's Friday the 13th...consider yourself warned...

It's bad luck to:
Begin a new job or a trip
Cut off both ends of a loaf of bread
Flip your mattress
Put new shoes on the table
Leave your hat on the bed
Walk under a ladder
Pour water on a windowsill
Plant potatoes
Lean a broom on a bed
Open an umbrella indoors
Do housework
Wear new clothes
Cut your hair
Sneeze to your left side
Have a black cat cross your path

It's good luck to:
Cut your finger nails on a Friday to avoid a toothache during the month.
Take candy to a friend during your first visit of the New Year.
Pick the first violets of spring.
When you set the table, place the salt down first.
If you drop a spoon, expect friends to drop by soon.
If your left hand itches, money will come to you.
When you move to a new house, take a broom and a loaf of bread with you.
Put a red bow on a newborn baby.
Don't sweep dust out the front door or you'll sweep away good luck.
Make a wish when you see the first robin of spring. If it doesn't fly away before you finish wishing it'll come true.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love you honky tonk brule!