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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's Too Bad "That was It"...

I Picked up Michael Jackson's "This Is It" on Blu-ray yesterday. I was a big Michael Jackson fan when I was a kid, just like millions of other kids that ran around the house with one glove and begged their parents for a pair of leather pants. I even got the chance to see the Victory Tour at Exibition Stadium in Toronto, the Jacksons' biggest and final tour back in 1984. I was 9..and the feeling that night was simply magic. As I got older, the feeling wore off. Negative Press and the constant media attention quite frankly turned me off of the King of Pop.

With his passing last summer, and all the media attention suddenly turning positive, I was exposed to his character and his music once again, as the 25th Anniversary of Thriller was released, re-mixed and once again celebrated. That "magical" feeling I felt as a kid, returned for 111 minutes last night, as I sat and watched the making of what I believe would have been, the biggest and most inspiring concert Michael would have ever delivered. Even though we don't see the finished product, we do catch more than a glimpse of what could have been. The dancers, the special effects, the costumes, the re-creation of the Thriller segment in 3D...were all leaps and bounds ahead of what he'd ever done before.

If you are a fan, or...even if you didn't ever get him, or what he was will after watching "This Is It".

It comes Highly recommended.

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