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Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Resolutions...from the dog.

So Far so Good...I haven't swayed from my New Year's's only been 9 hours...and I already want to ransack the box of chocolates someone left here at the front desk of Magic 94.9 Studios.

My dog however, seems to have a longer list than I, and so good.

Over the weekend I found Jake's list of resolutions.

Check these out...

Resolution #1: I will eat less and exercise more.Too many nights on the couch, too many dog biscuits and too little time running has made me a little, well, fluffier. I don't think the old "I'm-just-big-boned" excuse will work anymore. Iresolve to bug Hunter to take me to the park several times a week.

Resolution #2: I will beg less. I've got begging down to a fine art -- he's putty in my paws -- but it sure is demeaning. I promise to reserve the begging for worthwhile things, like going for a ride in the car and T-bone steak.

Resolution #3: I will recognize the difference between furniture and fire hydrants. I promise not to treat the furniture and walls the way I do fire hydrants. It drives Hunter batty and has no lasting benefit for me.

Resolution #4: I'll stay out of the Carter's litter box.I vow to resist the urge to snoop around the cat's private lavatory -- even though it's a lot of fun and really makes him go nuts.

Resolution #5: I won't bite the vet anymore. I'll remember that the vets and their staff are just trying to help in their own, inscrutable way, although they really know how to push my buttons with those needles.

Resolution #6: I won't steal food as much. I won't go out of my way to steal food, although all bets are off if they make it really easy for me.

Resolution #7: I'll introduce myself in more appropriate ways. In other words, I'll focus above the waist when introducing myself to humans.

Resolution #8: I'll do better "holding it" until morning. When nature calls, I'll steel my resolve to wait for my normal morning walk, unless special considerations apply. I'll decide what those special considerations are.

Resolution #9: I'll bark at the mailman less. Even though it works to put him in his place, I'll try not to exercise my authority over him and other delivery people, although my self-esteem does get a boost when they retreat.

Resolution #10: I'll tolerate those Toronto Maple Leafs bandannas more. Hunter has gone to a lot of trouble to make find and buy these things, so I'll just put up with the way they feel and the teazing from other dogs.


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