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Monday, August 9, 2010

Camp Aldershot Open House

The Sea King arrives!
Up close and personal with the Sea King

Gearing up for the Jr. water shooting gallery!

photo op with Miss Nova Scotia Galaxy Amanda Kirkpatrick of Canning...

Mini Fire Brigade!
Camp Commander Major Troy Kennedy sharing a laugh with Miss Galaxy Nova Scotia Amanda Kirkpatrick.

The Leopard 2...Canada's newest armoured fighting vehicle...

Saturday I had the pleasure of being on remote at Camp Aldershot for their 4th Annual Open House. It was my first time on the base, and had a great time. It's the one day a year that the base opens up to the public, and puts on demonstrations and displays to educate and entertain its visitors.

From the Sea King arriving from C.F.B. Shearwater, to the Leopard 2, Canada's newest armoured fighting vehicle, to lunch from a real military Field Kitchen, even a special visit from Miss Nova Scotia was a very well-attended event, by the smiles on the little camoflauged-painted faces... it was a lot of fun too!

Thanks to Capt. Mike Chalmers, Camp Commander Major Troy Kennedy, Warrant Officer Peter Dingle, Commanding Officer of the West Nova Scotia Regiment Col. George Thompson, Sgt. Loretta Heartz, who was the O.P.I. of waste Mgt, and every one of the forces personnel who were very welcoming, and helped make the day a great one!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's a Leopard 1, not a Leopard 2 - although the Canadian designation is Leopard C2 which does cause some confusion.
Michael Shackleton
Author Leopard 1 Trilogy