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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

...Almost there!

WOW!!! Where has the time gone??! I can't believe Christmas is just 5 days away! It's been really busy here at the station getting ready for the big games...remotes and special guests on the show. Mr. Scrooge...Alfie the Elf...and yes even the Captain of the Magic 94.9 S.R.T.(Snow Removal Team)...Jerry Neville.

With the mysterious destruction of my camera...( I blame Pumpkin Man's brute force)...I have been given a few pics to post from the last couple of weeks. I hope Santa finds me an extra special SLR digital camera with GPS navigation and built-in hand warmers...time will tell :)

Thanks to the team from 14 Wing for taking the Misfits on last weekend on the base. It was a blast, we raised money for Greenwood Minor Hockey, Christmas Daddies and after only suffering a one-goal loss, a few bruises (way to take it for the team Milne)...and a bad bean burrito before the game...I'd say it was a great success for the Misfits.

A special thanks to my Secret santa too...nice work on the Leafs touque.

The Magic 94.9 staff party is this weekend...I've already borrowed a helmet.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The mall, a Tree-Lighting and an army of Robots...

It was another busy week in the Valley!

There were many tree-lightings happening throughout the valley, and I had a chance to take in the Town of Kentville's festivities! Here you see Santa himself posing with some fellow Misfits and their offspring...I asked Santa if my new Britney Spears CD was in his bag, he said it was waiting for me at the mall...what does that mean? you see some random people trying to break into the Magic 94.9 cruiser...oh, wait a a second I thought that was the Evil Dr. Cortland in the back, but I don't think so...well maybe...I heard he WAS a ladies man.

Friday night I returned to the County Fair Mall, with $10,000 more reasons to shop there with a live remote. Another lucky winner won the weekly draw for a fantastic sparkling gift from Charm.

Then Saturday was in one word...AWESOME. It was the 2008 Acadia Robotics Competitions! Elementary and High School students from as far away as No-idea-where-it-is-ville, Nova Scotia invaded War Memorial Gymnasium for Some First Lego League robotic wickedness. I mean you won respect, a Lego trophy, prizes from the University and Michelin...not to mention a lovely meal card that was fully stocked with pizza credits. I tried to trade a kid a slightly used pen for one, but he was too smart for me...of course he was...he programs robots and I still can't even program my VCR to tape Oprah. The day was a long one, but at the end of it all, everyone felt rewarded and it was a great success and joy to be a part of it!

...well until next time...I feel the need to go play with my Lego.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Winter Arrives Early, Christmas Miracles and Chinese Democracy

What a weekend!
Friday night was a great success as Jingle Bell Rock was a blast at Dooly's in New Minas! Magic 94.9 raised over $2200 for the Kinsmen and Kinette Christmas Miracle, meaning families in OUR community will have a better Christmas. There were great prizes, tons of people and a killer karaoke crew. Thanks to all who came out before the storm to support the night, and thanks to those who convinced Jerry not to sing "Love Shack" in its entirety.

Well, well, well...let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! And snow it did! If it wasn't for my great neighbours, I wouldn't have left the driveway for my remote at Home Depot in New Minas, and would have had to spend the day throwing snowballs at my dog Jake, which did have its moments. It was the Grand Opening at the all-new location on Silver Fox Avenue, just off of Commercial Street and even though the weather was less than awesome, frozen faithful trickled in for the best selection of shovels and snowblowers available in the valley. The store can be summed up in one word - AWESOME. It's huge...the staff is great, and I had a great time greeting every shopper who braved the elements to be there!
Picked up Guns N' Roses Chinese Democracy today. FINALLY! It seems like yesterday that a few friends and I hopped in the car and went to the HMV store at the Pickering Town Centre in Ontario when I was in the 10th grade and waited in line to buy Use your Illusion I. If you bought I, they gave you Use Your Illusion II free. It was worth the wait, and was an unofficial soundtrack to my grade 10 year. It's been until now, (not including the awful Spaghetti Incident) that I've been waiting for fresh new tunes from Guns. So yeah it's only Axel and some no-namers, but it's still Guns, and until Slash and the boys put their differences aside and rejoin Axel for the next one, this is what we get. Pick it up, you won't be disappointed.
This week brings a return to the County Fair Mall Friday for the $10,000 Shopping Spree and the big Robot Show at Acadia Saturday. It will be great to find out if Number 5 really is alive. I'll have to watch Short Circuit again before I go...besides it's been WAY to long since I've watched a good Steve Guttenberg movie.
Until then, feel free to drop me a line!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Axemen, a Dark Horse, 007 and a trip to the mall...

It was another busy week at Magic 94.9...

The $10,000 County Fair Mall Shopping Spree contest is off and running, as I had the chance to award Sharon Gibson of Kingston a Pearl/Smokey Quartz Necklace from Charm Diamond Centres Friday afternoon in New Minas. This week another $200 gift certificate from Charm up for grabs, so don't forget to fill up your stamp cards at the County Fair Mall for your chance to win great weekly prizes and the Grand Prize of a $10,000 shopping spree on December 20th!

Saturday took me to War Memorial Gymnasium in Wolfville, as the Acadia basketball teams had their home openers against the visiting Cape Breton University Capers. The Axewomen had a tough outing, dropping to 0-4 on the season after a 89-45 loss. The Axemen, after being tied at 44 at the half, let the game slip away, dropping a 76-67 decision. Score aside, War Memorial was packed and the crowd was amped up for hoops. At halftime, I Hosted Tic-Tac-Toe for Cash with the Herald, and after pressure from the heckling crowd, the older of the two participating competitors gave his cash to the little kid who actually won the shooting contest, but couldn't quite figure out how Tic-Tac-Toe worked. Way to go Older Guy. You Da Man.

Last night, I saw the new Bond flick "Quantum of Solace". If you didn't see "Casino Royale" yet, see it first. This is the first sequel in the 198 years (rough estimate) that Bond movies have been in theatres, and even having seen "Casino" I found myself foggy on some of the plot for "Quantum". All said though, if you love Bond Flicks for their hot cars, lovely ladies and intense won't be disappointed...and I must say, Daniel Craig is growing on me as 007.

Today...I'm listening to "Dark Horse"...the new cd from Nickelback that drops tomorrow. So far...big fan. Little heavier, little raunchy...but hey...that's what we love about Nickelback right? Be sure to check out our Global Album Premiere of "Dark Horse" tonight at 9:00 on Magic 94.9!

Congrats to our winners who filled out a ballot for a chance to check it out before it's released too.

Feel free to drop me a line anytime and let me know what you think of Dark Horse, Bond, the Axemen or Kraft's Even Cheesier Original Kraft Dinner.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Jay Malone

Had the pleasure of having the very funny Jay Malone and Mike Landry as special guests on the Early show this week.

Jay and I realized we were the punchline of a joke when we discovered we had dated the same girl in high school...and he insists it wasn't at the same time...although he was wearing one of my old shirts I had left at her place I think. He is living in L.A. now, has a sold-out show tonight at Paddy's in Kentville, and will be back in the new year.

Mike Landry co-hosted the show with me on Friday. After he hit the snooze button a few times he rolled in around 6:30am and discovered what it was like to already be on your fourth cup of coffee by 7:00am :) Mike was in to throw a few Toronto Maple Leafs jabs...and promote his huge event today at the Kentville Mazda Used Vehicle Centre. It will be the first time he will have had a public auction, and first of it's kind today...and I'm really excited to be a part of it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Listen and Win

We had a great time at Fraser's in Berwick for the Grand Finale of the Listen and Win contest Friday!
KRISTA MYLES OF LOCKHARTVILLE was the big winner of $5000 of free gas from
Magic 94.9!!!

It was great to have the Magic 94.9 Misfits out, and the REAL Elvis!! (Well...not THE real Elvis...BUT...if he WERE with us today, I'm sure he'd be very proud to see our very own Jerry Neville pouring out of his famous fashionable attire.

The Wolfman, and Superstar even stopped by, but she got nervous, started sweating, knocking things over and had to leave :)
Thanks to Paul and his staff at Fraser's for a great party!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Dr. McBrule Survived the Werewolf, NewsHound, Nunn with None, Precilla Presley, SNL cast, Pylon-head?...and New Germany's finest this morning...we'll see what this afternoon brings! Hope to see you at Fraser's in Berwick today for the HUGE GIVEAWAY!!! $5000 in FREE GAS TODAY!!!
Come in Costume and take home prizes!

Monday, October 27, 2008

The week that was Spooktacular!

What an amazing event on Thursday night!

Hallowe'en arrived early At Willowbank U-pick farm on Starr's Point in Port Magic 94.9 and Willowbank hosted the first ever Hallowe'en Spooktacular in support of the Valley's Big Brothers and Big Sisters. We raised over $2800 and we couldn't have had a better time doing it!

From the Witch stoking the fire, Corn-maze Clown, and Cruiser Witch, to the chainsaw-wielding demon (who next year is trying to get sponsorship by Depends disposable undergarments), 4-wheelin' Ghost and the Cawing Crow to even a special appearance by the Valley's Semi-Super hero...Pumpkinman...the night was a great success!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Acadia Homecoming 2008

As the official radio station of Acadia Athletics, the Magic 94.9 Subway Community Cruiser was proud to be a big part of Acadia's Homecoming 2008!

I along with Jo, who has taken over the cruiser from Jerry because she DOES have a valid driver's licence...(NS Liquor ID's don't count Neville)...took part in some Axemen hockey, as they proudly defended home ice with a win over St. Mary's at Acadia Arena. (They then went on the road to beat St. FX to gain national respect, placing #3 in CIS' Top-ten ranking!) It was great to see the 08-09 team, and the 08-09 Len Hawley who had a very busy off-season walking, strength-training and protecting the streets of Kentville, dropping 20 lbs in preparation for his vocal demands of providing the official "voice" of Acadia Hockey broadcasts on our sister station AVR's "March of Champions". Way to go Lenny-boy!!! (Wait a minute...who's going to buy the jelly donuts for the press box now?)

Saturday was fast upon us, and I met up with Jo and Magic 94.9's Maternal Account Manager Lisa Mitton at Willow Park to lineup for the Homecoming Parade. It was cold...not going to lie to you. C-O-L-D. Everyone was in great spirits and sporting the best oversized foam cowboy hats I'd seen since we found out who shot J.R.

We paraded through Main street, and made our way to Raymond Field, where the Axemen Football team would welcome friends and family of 14 Wing Greenwood, who demonstrated how to jump out of a plane and live. No seriously...the parachuters did an awesome job, and the crowd was treated to a very close Aurora fly-by...very could see the Burger King Drive-thru sticker on its windshield-close. Impressive. Head coach Jeff Cummins couldn't get a win this season, but they sure provided some entertaining football, just couldn't get over the hump. Jo and I took over half-time with the pass-for-cash fun...Jo took some pictures and I'll post them soon!

This week brings another trip to Fraser's to tee-up Listen and Win...a stop at Leon's...and lunch at King's Arms pub. I know it's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it. ;)

I didn't "Beleaf" Jerry could smell any better...

 it is...never knew what a blog was...always thought it was something that got caught in the sink after a Mike Mitchell head shave...but I stand corrected.
It was a miracle...but yes Mr. Jerry Neville who was on location at Beleaf's all new salon and spa at Railtown in Wolfville, went in a caveman, and came out a...well...better.

When I heard he was going to spend 4 hours at Beleaf, I had to check it out for a couple of reasons...

1. My own Interest

2. To make sure he behaved himself

He did recieve a massage...from Matt...and a wash and blow dry from the lovely ladies. The reason all of us here at Magic were thankful for...he smelled a LOT better...thanks ladies.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Coming Soon!!!

Hey!! Check in here soon for all things Magic!